propiedades de los higos
propiedades de los higos
beneficios de los higos
beneficios de los higos
beneficios de los higos
propiedades de los higos
propiedades de los higos
propiedades de los higos
beneficios de los higos
beneficios de los higos
beneficios de los higos
propiedades de los higos

HIGO Tinto Red Canarian Prickly Pear Powder with Marine Collagen and Magnesium - Strong Joints and Smooth Skin. Tissue Regenerator with hydrolysed Collagen - 90 Capsules.

Regular price $59.90
Sale price $59.90 Regular price
Unit price
Tax included.


A natural synergy that:

Revitalizesyour joints

✅ Improves theelasticityof the skin

✅ Reduces thefatigueand thefatigue

✅ Strengthensbonesandmuscles

WithRED FIG®,Hydrolyzed Marine CollagenandMagnesium, designed to keep your body moving, strengthen your joints and provide younger, firmer skin, while you enjoy long-lasting energy and comprehensive well-being.

Free shipping for orders > €50

Additional discount of up to 18% for purchases of 2,4 or 6 units!

beneficios de los higos
propiedades de los higos

HIGO Tinto Red Canarian Prickly Pear Powder with Marine Collagen and Magnesium - Strong Joints and Smooth Skin. Tissue Regenerator with hydrolysed Collagen - 90 Capsules.

Regular price $59.90
Sale price $59.90 Regular price
Unit price


Tu intestino es tu segundo cerebro 🧠. El microbioma intestinal alberga entre 1.500 y 2.000 tipos distintos de bacterias 🦠🌿, ¡fundamentales para tu salud! 🌟.

Todos los días

para mejores resultados


Con las comidas



Piel más firme

Ayuda a mejorar la elasticidad

Resultados visibles

Piel más suave y radiante


Aclara con agua

How to use

Paso 1

Read the directions on the package: Follow the instructions to take the recommended daily dose of 3 capsules per day. Make sure to spread the doses between main meals to improve absorption and obtain the best results.

Paso 2

Take one capsule with each meal: Ideally, take one capsule with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Accompany it with a glass of water to promote digestion and bioavailability of nutrients.

Paso 3

Optional: Open the capsules and mix the contents: If you prefer, you can open the capsules and mix the contents into juices, smoothies or your favorite foods, for greater versatility in your daily routine.

Is it right for me?

PROVEN Results

Nutritional values

How you will notice the benefits

How you will notice the benefits


During the first week, you will notice aenergy boostand improved muscle recovery. Magnesium helps fight fatigue, while collagen and RED FIG® begin to nourish the connective tissue.


After a month, your joints will be more protected and you will notice an improvement in thefirmness and elasticity of the skinCollagen will strengthen cartilage, reducing joint pain and improving mobility.

After 3 months, you will experience ayounger and firmer skin, with fewer wrinkles. Your physical resistance will increase, and your joints and muscles will be stronger and healthier thanks to the synergistic action of collagen and magnesium.

Science at your service

How do its ingredients benefit you?

Magnesio El magnesio en suplementos fortalece los músculos y huesos, mejora la salud cardíaca, regula los niveles de glucosa, reduce el estrés y favorece el sueño, además de apoyar la digestión y reducir la inflamación.

Colágeno Hidrolizado Salud de la Piel y Articulaciones

HIGO TINTO® Superalimento de Canarias El polvo de HIGO TINTO🌵

Estudios científicos sobre la fruta del HIGO TINTO® Ciencia pura 💊💉

Do you want to discover how to improve your energy, protect your joints, rejuvenate your skin and optimize your digestion?


Renew your vitality
The combination ofRED FIG®,Marine collagenandMagnesiumhelps fight chronic fatigue by improving cellular energy production. Magnesium facilitates the conversion of nutrients into energy, providing a natural boost to your daily life and improving physical and mental endurance.


Protection of joints and bones
HeMarine collagenstrengthens connective tissues and regenerates cartilage, whileMagnesiumhelps keep bones strong and healthy. Together, they are an essential supplement to prevent joint wear and tear and promote mobility, protecting your joints and bones in the long term.


Rejuvenates and strengthens
HeMarine collagenstimulates the production of natural collagen in the skin, improving its elasticity and reducing the signs of aging. In addition, together with theMagnesium, strengthens nails and hair, promoting healthy growth and making them more resistant to breakage.


Optimizes digestion
HeRED FIG®It is rich in fiber, which favors a balanced microbiota, promoting healthy digestion and avoiding digestive problems.MagnesiumIt contributes to intestinal regularity, facilitating more efficient digestion and helping the body eliminate toxins more effectively.

Wondering if it's right for you?

Poster Image


Maria Jose Barrientos, physiotherapist and expert in well-being and nutrition

More about Maria Jose Barrientos

And what do our clients say?

Yanira from Gran Canaria

She managed to overcome her chronic fatigue by combining RED FIG, collagen and magnesium, which allowed her to improve her general well-being and recover her energy levels.

Overcame chronic fatigue

Poster Image

Frequently Asked Questions:

¿Qué beneficios aporta el HIGO TINTO® con Colágeno Marino y Magnesio?

¿Cómo me ayudará el Colágeno Marino en este producto?

¿Qué función tiene el Magnesio en esta fórmula?

¿Cuándo empezaré a notar los efectos del HIGO TINTO® con Colágeno Marino y Magnesio?

¿Es este producto apto para todo tipo de personas?

¿Puedo combinar este suplemento con otros productos de Tuno Canarias?

¿Es seguro tomar este suplemento a diario?

¿Por qué elegir este suplemento frente a otros productos de colágeno?

¿Qué beneficios tiene el HIGO TINTO® en esta fórmula?

¿Este producto me puede ayudar a reducir el dolor en las articulaciones?

¿El HIGO TINTO® con Colágeno Marino y Magnesio mejora la elasticidad de la piel?

¿Este suplemento es útil para deportistas o personas activas?

¿Este producto es apto para personas mayores que sufren de dolores articulares?

¿Tiene algún efecto secundario este suplemento?

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