beneficios del higo
beneficios del higo

RED FIG Memory Nexus

Regular price $38.51
Sale price $38.51 Regular price $49.55
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✅ Improve concentration and memory
✅ Increase cognitive performance
✅ Greater productivity in your day to day life
✅ Reduce stress and anxiety
With ingredients likeCiticoline, Chicory InulinandL-Theanine, is the ideal complement to transform your mental focus and cognitive well-being.

Free shipping for orders > €50

Additional discount of up to 18% for purchases of 2,4 or 6 units!

beneficios de los higos
beneficios del higo

RED FIG Memory Nexus

Regular price $38.51
Sale price $38.51 Regular price $49.55
Unit price


Tu intestino es tu segundo cerebro 🧠. El microbioma intestinal alberga entre 1.500 y 2.000 tipos distintos de bacterias 🦠🌿, ¡fundamentales para tu salud! 🌟.

Apto para

tomar en frío y calor

Todos los días

para mejores resultados


a cualquier hora del día


1 cazo al día (10g)


con café, té, leche, yogur...


Mejora la resistencia

Potencia tu mente

Mejora la memoria y concentración


Mejora tu memoria

How to use

Paso 1

Prepare your coffee, tea or favourite drink, hot or cold. Add 1 scoop of Memory Nexus to enrich your drink.

Paso 2

Mix well with a frother or spoon until you achieve a smooth, creamy texture.

Paso 3

Get ready for an aroma orgasm.

Paso 4

Enjoy the delicious flavor and benefits of Memory Nexus.

Is it right for me?

PROVEN Results

Nutritional values

How you will notice the benefits

How you will notice the benefits

Thanks to the combination of probiotics, MCTs and natural extracts, you will notice an improvement in your digestion and concentration from the first days.

After one month, you will experience improved memory and concentration, as well as more energy and productivity.

After three months of consistent use, you will notice a visible transformation in your cognitive performance, memory and overall health.

Science at your service

How do its ingredients benefit you?

Extracto de Melena de León Regenera tu mucosa intestinal y reduce la inflamación.

Coenzima Q10 Componente clave para la salud celular, en particular en los sistemas cardiovascular, inmunológico y neurológico.

Prebiótico Orafti® Optimiza tu digestión y facilita que vayas al baño de manera regular cada día.

HIGO TINTO® Superalimento de Canarias El polvo de HIGO TINTO🌵

Break the Cognitive Decline

Our cognitive ability deteriorates over time.

We think it's because of age, but in reality it's due to factors such as lifestyle, stress, diet and lack of adequate mental stimulation. These factors create a vicious circle that affects memory and concentration.

Traditional supplements do not address cognitive health comprehensively.

Common supplements tend to focus only on one aspect, such as increasing energy or temporarily improving memory, forgetting that what is important is to boost brain function in a balanced and sustainable way. This can lead to a short-lived improvement without long-term benefits.

The Memory Nexus helps you improve your cognitive performance.

Supporting brain health, improving memory and concentration, and reducing stress,Memory Nexusis your ally to optimize your productivity and mental well-being.

Citicoline: The Essential Brick to Strengthen Your Neurons and Improve Your Cognitive Performance

Citicoline as a raw material for the brain

When you consumeciticoline, your body transforms it intophosphatidylserine, a crucial compound that acts as the building blocks that reinforce the membrane of neurons.

Strong and resilient neuronal membranes

Thanks to this constant supply of "building blocks", neurons keep their membranes strong and intact. This allows them to quickly repair themselves from any damage or wear, ensuring their longevity and proper functioning.

Optimal functioning of neurons

With neuronal membranes in perfect condition, neurons can operate at their maximum capacity. This ensures efficient communication between them, enhancing essential brain functions such as memory and attention.

Improved attention and daily performance

The result of having neurons in full performance is greatermental clarity,memory improvementandgreater focusin your daily activities, which translates into less procrastination and a significant increase in productivity.

Wondering if it's right for you?

Poster Image

Citicoline allows the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system

Cognitive performance.

MEMORY NEXUS and Acetylcholine

Frequently Asked Questions:

¿Qué es HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus?

¿Cómo debo consumir HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus?

¿En qué momento del día es mejor tomar HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus?

¿Es seguro consumir HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus durante el embarazo o la lactancia?

¿Este producto rompe el ayuno?

¿Es adecuado para personas con SIBO?

¿Es adecuado para personas con Síndrome del Intestino Irritable (SII)?

¿Puedo tomar HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus si tengo intolerancia a la fructosa?

¿Este suplemento es apto para veganos?

¿Tiene este producto azúcares añadidos o edulcorantes artificiales?

¿Cuándo empezaré a notar los efectos del HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus?

¿Puedo consumir HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus con otros productos de Tuno Canarias?

¿Es adecuado para personas con enfermedades neurodegenerativas?

¿Es adecuado para personas con problemas digestivos?

¿Este producto me ayudará a reducir el estrés?

¿Cuánto tiempo dura un envase de HIGO TINTO® Memory Nexus?

¿Es necesario refrigerar el producto después de abrirlo?

¿Este producto es apto para dietas keto?

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