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📌 We share testimonials as an element of hope, even if we expose ourselves to criticism. 🌵 🙂 We are collecting cases from our clients to upload them to our website, blog and social networks. In this way, people who need help will be able to see in you an example of what could happen to them and trust that there is a product that could be good for them.
Tell us about your experience with HIGO TINTO from Tuno Canarias! 😘 Send us a Whatsapp to 607922922

Available in HERBALISTS AND PARAPHARMACIES throughout Spain

Eleonora Markova
It is a great product. I couldn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. My husband's blood sugar dropped from 190 to 110 in a month. Many thanks to Tuno Canarias.
Viera Agueda
Indian prickly pear miraculous for liver, cholesterol, anemia, diabetes and bronchitis
Maria Celeste Monk Soria
I can say that this product, which has grown in Spain, is good, no, VERY GOOD in capital letters.
I have been taking it for about three weeks or so and on Monday, February 13th I am going to have general tests done, but I can tell you in advance that the two tests I take glucose at home at different times and after more than 5 hours without taking anything, my blood glucose comes out below 90.
So thanks to the person or people who brought this product to market, and above all it is not chemistry, there is no need for pharmaceutical companies to continue making a fortune at our expense, because drugs like Metformin do absolutely nothing, on the contrary, they keep increasing the dose, but not only that, you lose memory, elasticity, the venous capillaries break more easily, the liver gets dirtier, as do the kidneys.
I had been looking for something natural for many years and finally I found it and I didn't have to leave Spain.
I would like to congratulate the people who brought this product to the end. Thank you from Mallorca:

Ana Bengoetxea Zabala from the Basque Country uses HIGO TINTO daily and today tells us about her experience with her Stenosis problem:
Dolores Domínguez Rojas from Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, uses HIGO TINTO daily and today tells us about her experience with her Dolores problem and others:
Jean Louis Durand from Barcelona tells us about his experience with HIGO TINTO and his diabetes :
Provi Ramirez from Sabadell tells us about her experience with RED FIG, Cholesterol and Triglycerides:
Paco Munoz Martin
It works for me. I take 4 dessert spoons a day, 20 minutes before a meal. I mix it with coconut water.
Loli Cons Gallen
I am taking it very well, not only for diabetics, but also for fibromyalgia. My bones don't hurt as much. I hope it continues to work for me. Thank you.
Clodobaldo Gonzalez Diaz
What a wonderful product, I have been using it since it came on the market, and I feel great about its health properties.
Soledad Hombrao
I am going to tell you about my experience with my husband, who is the one who takes it. He had lung surgery with COPD and was admitted to the hospital. He had such a bad condition that he had all the diseases, cholesterol, blood pressure, sugar. The worst thing was that he had to be given insulin three times. times already with the discharge scarce I searched on the internet and found this wonderful product in the hospital I had high blood sugar 260 289 and so with that plan I brought it home and with pill and everything 168 200. 156. Well I bought the tuno. And he already has 5 packages
Look, this is important for whoever reads it. He has managed to lower his glucose a lot. Now he is. He takes it morning and night. And he is. 89, 90, 100, 98, 105, 107, always like this, and look, he is okay, he stopped taking the pills. Because metformin is a time bomb, my husband has managed to stop taking it. Oh, and with diet and a little exercise. He is doing great and he started taking oxygen at home day and night, because he no longer takes it all day, just to sleep. About 8 hours, oh, but this is another story. It is also about some natural pills that I also give him for his chest. They are called pulmonary medicine. Another miraculous thing. Totally a lot of money, but health is essential.
Mati Diaz
It lasts more than a month. The first thing I noticed was that my nails became hard, and they don't break, and for cholesterol and glucose it's magical. It hasn't done anything for the pain in one leg, but for everything else it's highly recommended.

Good Adventure Padron Garcia
It is very good, I know this from experience. My wife has been taking it for diabetes for a long time and it works.
M Carmen Viera
I bought a pack for 58€, 200gr. Each pack, I had it at home in two days, and I must say that I don't regret having bought it, I can attest to the advantages it has, I take less insulin due to the balance it has had on my glucose, a teaspoon in half a glass of water on an empty stomach, and only then have I realised its properties and the importance of its benefits on my body, at midday I try to do the same in some dessert like Greek yoghurt, and not at night, because it is so effective that I fear drops in my glucose, as a child I always knew about its properties at home and now that it comes in this form I will not stop having it in my diet. Thank you very much for this scientific knowledge that reaches our hands. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ❤ 👏 🌹
Maria Contiu
Thank you, Tuno Canarias. I have taken the 2 bags that I ordered... I am very, very happy... I don't know what the tests are like, because it's not my turn yet (diabetic 2), but I had atopic dermatitis and I spend a lot, a lot of money on creams and it doesn't help me much... I had cracks in my hands and small wounds that caused me a lot of pain... From when I was taking Tuno Canarias... Nothing, no cracks, no creams... I just asked for more... Thank you, thank you... 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 💐 💐 💐 💐
Rosa Ruis Navascués
I attest that it works, my diabetes has gone from 180 to 112

Elena Rodriguez
My husband was taken off methotrexac because he had a more serious illness and the doctor is freaking out, but we haven't told him. His transaminases went from being 116 to 23. Whatever the cost, his health is the most important thing.

Conchi Camara Anaya
I've been taking it for a month and it's working very well for my sugar.

Mari Carmen Gonzalez Santana

I can attest to this, my son was on chemo and never vomited. Every day I made him a smoothie made from prickly pear, as we usually call it, with pitaya or papaya or another fruit, but always prickly pear. He was very strong and emotionally very well.

Happy Martin
Today it went down to 122, my normal level is between 150 and 180, I suppose it has to be because of the Tuno Indio, I will comment on whether it is positive or negative, hugs.

Felix Martin
I have to thank Tuno Indio that the chronic pain I have in my ankle from my time as an amateur soccer player is disappearing day by day.

Teresa Chinea

Good morning! I have been taking the powder for three months. I have a disease called psoriatic rheumatoid arthritis. Well, I can tell you that my joints have improved, I have more movement and they don't swell as much as before and the scales on my skin have improved noticeably. Thank you for continuing to use it. 🇮🇨 😍

Innia Hennquez Aguiar
Hello, I am just another customer, I have had 5 of them. The last analysis has improved my liver considerably. I have another one in December and I will tell you if it is stable. I lived in the Canary Islands and I buy it in a pharmacy, and as the company says, you can buy it online. It has a good taste and is healthy, you can't ask for more...

Isabel Santana
Gentlemen, this works wonders. In 22 days my lipid levels have been balanced. I take two heaping teaspoons with a glass of water on an empty stomach. Thank you for having found such a product.

Jose Antonio Rivero Rivero
It is a wonderful fruit that regenerates your gastrointestinal tract, it is very good for jaundice and for the entire body!

Chele Bermudez Guerrero

I must say that it is a really efficient product for diabetes as you explain well, I have managed to lower my blood glucose level considerably. 🩸 from 300 to 112 in a matter of 2 weeks, supplemented with diet and a little walking. There is no way to get the Red Fig on the peninsula and the only way is to ask you for it. Thank you for the magnificent product.

Juan Andres Barber Robaina
I eat it every day for breakfast and it works great for me. I recommend it. Regards.

Mari Carmen Gonzalez Santana
Super effective in raising defenses during chemotherapy.

Maria Josefa Delgado
It is very good, it has many vitamins and it is very good for anemia and mixing it with aloe vera, making juice, is very good for cancer.

Good afternoon. I asked you a few months ago where I could get the red fig powder and I have been using it ever since. My husband's iron levels were very low. He started taking it and his iron levels went up in no time. Anyway, now my daughter who lives in Fuerteventura also wants to buy it. Could you tell me where she can buy it? Thank you very much in advance.

Nelly Guevara Ludo
The important thing is, whatever you call it and whatever you want to call it. It is very healthy and is even curing cancer. Be careful, only take out the pulp because the seed stagnates. Health for everyone.

Pepe Viera
My mother cured me of Hepatitis B with Red Prickly Pears and I drank the juice that came out as a soft drink. In three weeks I was cured, even the doctor was amazed... and cakes too.

Macrina Estronja Hernandez

I can attest that they lower my blood sugar. I've been taking them and the effects are seen quickly. They are also very good for raising defenses in oncology. Very good results.

Jose Gonzalez Martin
From 160 on an empty stomach to 86, 90. Fantastic. Two doses a day.

Jose Gonzalez Martin
Eeeeyyy guys, that works. I was just drinking a teaspoon of coffee a day. I went up to two teaspoons and it's gone from 140 on an empty stomach to 85.

Luisa Garcia
I recommend them. At first I thought they were expensive, but I bought them because of the reviews because I have rheumatoid arthritis and I'm injecting myself with Methotrexate in the stomach and every time I went to the rheumatologist he told me that my liver was inflamed. Well, I started taking it dissolved in water and after two months the doctor told me "Oh! Thank goodness my liver is much better now!" I mentioned it to him and he said, maybe, I'm not saying no. Well, I say yes! and I will continue taking it. Have a good day and thanks to the people who have made this possible!

Maria Esther

Maria Esther

Good morning, I love your product Tuno Canario. I use the powdered Red Fig because it has almost saved my life because food made me feel very bad and my body had a hard time recovering after a gallbladder operation. I started taking your product and the truth is that I have started to feel much better. I wanted to thank you.

Francisco Javier Maria Valdes

Hello, I found it by chance and saw that it was good for everything I had. Last year I had a heart attack and they put in 4 stents. I had high blood sugar and coronary vein obstruction. They gave me medication for everything. I started taking it and the first thing I noticed was that I had less asthma and I practically didn't use Ventolin, so I was surprised. I've also noticed that when taking statins, my skin dries out and I noticed a change, especially on my forehead. The skin is less dry and softer. Another effect is that I'm less hungry. I'm waiting for the last analysis to see if everything else improves. From my short experience, I've been taking the tuno powder for a month now. These are the effects I've noticed. The one that surprised me the most was the asthma d'egg. I ordered the Paradise Experience and I've asked again for the offer of two powders and also a bottle of pills to try. For now I'm surprised and happy. I recommend it.
Pdta, when I have the results of the analysis I will compare and comment. Regards
Hello, I'm going for the fourth sachet. In my previous analysis the results were good, I've seen glucose levels from 72-85-92-95, although I'm on medication for sugar, before it was 100-104-99. Cholesterol is also going down. I still notice it in my softer skin, the statins dry out and with Tuno it's noticeable and I suppose everything else is fine too. I'll comment later on how everything is going. I recommend it, I ordered the two sachets today. Greetings

Petra Bruna Perez Gonzalez
I've been taking it for a week now and I couldn't imagine what it has done to my body. I don't consider it a medicine but rather a supplement with many properties to help my health. I'm very happy with the decision I made to try it. Thank you TUNO Canarias.

Esther Sanchez Martin
I ordered it online and I couldn't be happier. The service is fast and impeccable. And the product exceeds my expectations. I also ordered vinegar to give a different touch to the salads and the result was a success. Very satisfied customer.

Rita Aguiar
That's the best thing for cancer. They recommend it for chemo. It increases platelet count.

Paqui Perez Gonzalez
Rita Aguiar Hello, I can attest that it works very well for cancer and if the chemo is going well, it is Indian prickly pears.

Testimony of Enrique Helped by the "RED FIG Powder" from the Canary Islands, he has managed to reduce his Diabetes:

Antonia Maria Sanchez
Throughout the island, my grandmother always said that fasting was best for the liver.

Cancat Canary Islands
Indian prickly pear is a miracle superfood for recovering from illness.

Claudio Garcia
TUNO Canarias Thanks to Mrs. Mary Carmen, there are several of us from her town and surrounding areas who have opted for the product with excellent results. Thank you. I think that the aforementioned distributor - Mary Carmen - should be "rewarded" by the owners of the product, as she has multiplied the sales of the same.

Fatima Socas Hernandez
This fig is the best for increasing red blood cells, it is great for anemia.

Fatima Socas Hernandez
Olga Socas Sosa I used to eat 3 or 4 figs every 3 days or so, in a month my anemia disappeared, my hemoglobin rose to 15.

Fernando Gomez Suarez
This wonder is grown here in the Canary Islands and after much research, it is being marketed after having discovered a multitude of properties such as anti-diabetic among many others. It is a wonderful fruit with a pleasant flavour and an intense red colour which until now has not been given the recognition it deserves, but from now on and thanks to the study carried out it will be considered a miracle fruit that will bring a great discovery for its health properties (Opuntia Dillenii).

Juana Hernandez Rivero
Antonia María Sánchez Guedes My mother also said that, she also said it was good for anemia!

Karin Brinken
Ángeles Hdez Trujillo, my husband had triglycerides of over 600. He peels them, crushes them, strains them to remove the seeds and makes the juice. His triglyceride values ​​improved quite quickly. I just hope they don't start genetically manipulating these plants in order to profit from them economically, as they do with all the fruit we eat.

Maria Luisa Quintana Hernandez
I cured myself of hepatitis B in the 1980s in a month. They gave me sick leave and told me that I had to rest completely for three or four months. A month later, when I had the analysis done to monitor the disease, they couldn't believe it because there was no trace of the disease. They were amazed when I told them that I hadn't taken the medication but that I had cured myself by eating Indian tunos (red tunos, HIGO TINTO) every day for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Now I've been taking them in powder form dissolved in water for four months and it has raised my body's defences. I'm very happy.

Isi Herrera Rodriguez
Maria Luisa Quintana Hdez The Indian tuno also cured my hepatitis and a brother who was well as children gave it to us and the doctor told my mother that the medicine for hepatitis was in the field and that it was the Indian tunos. Indeed, we were both cured.

Mari Carmen Garcia Gonzalez
I am diabetic, I have been using it for 4 months and I am super happy. I always recommend it.

Marisol Ramirez
I drink prickly pear juice every day and it has cured me of a very serious illness.

Mercedes Guillen Alberto
Because of the nine children my mother had, we all escaped unscathed because we ate prickly pears daily.

Miguel Caraballo
My mother had breast cancer surgery and the surgeon recommended that she drink this juice. Her immune system is always high. It worked very well for her and is still doing very well.

Sol Maria Arias Franco de Cobos
The doctor sent me for it when I was pregnant because my hemoglobin was very low.

Susana Santana
I am also very happy. I am diabetic and I am doing very well.

Antonio Alfonso
You peel them, boil them, blend them, filter them, add sugar, stir while the mixture boils, then add liquor to taste, put it in the fridge and have a few shots every day after lunch, and you'll see how it strengthens your immune system, no bug can get in.

Araceli Sanchez Gordillo
I have been drinking it for a long time and I have to say that it is very good with orange juice and with coconut vegetable yogurts it is a downfall for me.

Avelina Coello Gomez
True, I have known about these properties since 1965, when it was used for diabetes, it was very effective, but now I know of many more properties.

Elisa Rin Simonet
My great-grandfather from the Canary Islands, from Tenerife, controlled his diabetes with prickly pears. I am talking about a person who began treating it at the beginning of the 23rd century.

Lulu Pear
Diego Hernández, this has been proven for many years. It has become more fashionable now because it is available in powder form and is more convenient, but it has always been the best for diabetics. One has the remedy before one's eyes, the one that our ancestors used, and one does not give it any importance.

Lupe Correa
It has always been known that red figs help diabetics. It's great. When we were kids we would eat them off the stalk and we would be amazed.

Cardenes Thorn Blackbird
My mother knows how to cure the liver. She peeled them in the open air and ate them in the morning.

Miguel Jose Henriquez Cabrera
In Tenerife it is called higo pico, I think, but in Gran Canaria it is called tuna indio. And it is miraculous, I can tell you that because I used to pick them in the ravine of Don Zoilo and La Ballena back in the 60s.

Natividad Herrera Gonzalez
My father used to say that the juice of the red cactus is very good for interior hits. When my father had a blow or a fall, he would drink it; he always had a bottle of cactus juice.

Star Hussein Dorta

In the Canary Islands they are available, but I ate them naturally when I was little. The prickly pears have very large spikes. My grandmother said that they were good for diabetes and are good for preventing cancer and anemia, but they didn't come in powder form before. Here they are called figs.

Espe Guti

Manuel Expósito, I can assure you that it works great for my type 2 diabetes. I bought it in the Canary Islands. Incredible!

Mari Carmen Garcia Gonzalez, San Miguel, Tenerife

Good morning 🌞🌻
Well, I have been diabetic for a few years now, and my fasting glucose has reached over 200 and that worries me quite a bit.
I found out about CANARIAS Prickly Pear powder by searching on the Internet, I saw the guy's video, and I started to find out. I had already bought the infusions and frozen fruit at the market.
I started taking the powder in October and the results have been fantastic. Before, I would inject myself with insulin up to three times a day. Now I don't inject myself, and I'm very happy.
Thank you very much, you deserve a gift for "discovering" this wonder❤️❤️


We also share this hopeful and sincere testimony from Elena and Fernando Peña 😊 We have posted scientific studies about this fruit and its probable contribution against cancer on our blog
📌 Elena and Fernando are well-known people from Tenerife and have given us permission to publish this video recorded at the gastronomic fair in March 2022 by chance when they visited our stand and told us the story.
📌 The Canary Red Prickly Pear (Opuntia Dillenii) used to make HIGO TINTO (by dehydrating it) has long been used in the Canary Islands for chemotherapy and cancer processes, among others.
⛔️ Please note: This product does NOT replace medical therapy in any way. It does not allow you to interrupt or modify medical therapies that are in progress in any way.

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Clarification: This product is NOT a substitute for medical therapy. It does not allow you to interrupt or modify medical therapies that are in progress in any way.

🌵 The Higo Tuno Canario HIGO-TINTO (Opuntia Dillenii) is harvested in the ravines and slopes under the volcanoes. It grows on the leaves of the Nopales cactus brought to the Canary Islands centuries ago from America where it has been a staple food for thousands of years.
A hidden treasure from the Islands, rich in fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, which has been used in popular medicine in the Canary Islands and among indigenous American peoples for hundreds of years.

Points of Sale RED FIG