propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo
propiedades del higo

RED FIG with L-Carnitine + Guarana + Garcinia + Dandelion + Black Pepper

Regular price €44,90
Sale price €44,90 Regular price €49,90
Unit price
Save 10%
Tax included.


A natural accelerator that:

Powerfat burning

✅ Improves thephysical performanceand theendurance

✅ Increases levels ofenergy

✅ Promotes themuscle recovery

WithRED FIG®andL-CarnitineThis formula helps you transform your body, increasing your ability to burn fat, improve your daily energy and optimize your physical performance.

Free shipping for orders > €50

Additional discount of up to 18% for purchases of 2,4 or 6 units!

beneficios de los higos
propiedades del higo

RED FIG with L-Carnitine + Guarana + Garcinia + Dandelion + Black Pepper

Regular price €44,90
Sale price €44,90 Regular price €49,90
Unit price


Tu intestino es tu segundo cerebro 🧠. El microbioma intestinal alberga entre 1.500 y 2.000 tipos distintos de bacterias 🦠🌿, ¡fundamentales para tu salud! 🌟.

Todos los días

para mejores resultados


Mejora la resistencia

Masa muscular

Ideal para la recuperación


Con las comidas

Resultados visibles

Piel más suave y radiante

Reducción de grasa

Ayuda a reducir la circunferencia de la cintura

How to use

Paso 1

Check the directions: Read the package instructions to follow the recommended daily dose (2 capsules per day).

Paso 2

Take 1 capsule before breakfast and another before lunch: Ideally, the capsules should be taken 30 minutes before meals to improve absorption and effectiveness.

Paso 3

Take with water or your favorite beverage: You can take the capsules with a glass of water or, if you prefer, open them and pour the contents into milk, juice or any other beverage.

Paso 4

It can be combined with other Tuno Canarias products: This supplement is compatible with other products of the brand to enhance their benefits.

Paso 5

Follow the recommended cycle: Use for 3 consecutive months, then rest for 1 month before resuming consumption, and supplement with a balanced diet and exercise for best results.

Is it right for me?

PROVEN Results

Nutritional values

How you will notice the benefits

How you will notice the benefits


Many people notice an improvement from the first few days. Thanks to the Red Fig, L-Carnitine and natural extracts, your body will start working more efficiently, helping you manage your appetite more naturally. Be consistent and take it daily.


After 30 days, the combination of ingredients such as Guarana and Garcinia Cambogia will help you feel less bloated. In addition, you will notice a thermogenic effect that will help you begin to define your figure and reduce body fat.


After 3 months, most people experience a more active metabolism and a visible transformation in their body, with less fat and a more toned figure. If you have been consistent, your energy will be higher and you will be closer to your wellness goals. Keep going!

Science at your service

How do its ingredients benefit you?

Guaraná Conocida por sus propiedades energizantes.

Estudios científicos sobre la fruta del HIGO TINTO® Ciencia pura 💊💉

Garcinia Cambogia Pérdida de peso y salud metabólica.

Diente de León Utilizado tradicionalmente por sus propiedades medicinales.

Pimienta Negra Ofrece varios beneficios para la salud gracias a la piperina.

How does it help you stay FIT?

How does HIGO TINTO® with L-Carnitine help you stay FIT?
As the years go by, ourmetabolismtends to slow down. Although we associate it with age, it is actually more influenced by factors such as diet, muscle loss, microbiota and hormones. These factors create a vicious circle that affects your metabolism.

Miracle diets don't work
Fad diets, detox programs and some supplements focus solely on theweight loss, leaving aside the importance of beingFITand healthy in the long term. This often leads to the dreaded"rebound effect".

HIGO TINTO® with L-Carnitine helps you stay FIT
This supplement supports you in thebody recomposition, helping toincrease muscle mass,burn fatand improve overall health.

How does HIGO TINTO® with L-Carnitine impact?


Increase your vitality
With the synergy betweenRED FIG®and L-Carnitine, your bodyproduces more energy, which improves your physical performance and your ability to exercise more efficiently.


Burn fat efficiently
L-Carnitine promotesuse of fatsas a source of energy, promoting fat loss while preserving muscle mass.


Regulation without rebound effect
HeRED FIG®and L-Carnitine help tobalance your hormones, which reduces the risk of the dreadedrebound effectwhich usually appears after restrictive diets or rapid changes in weight.


Support your digestive health
HeRED FIG®It promotes a balanced microbiota, improving digestion and contributing to a healthy intestinal system, key to aactive metabolism.

Wondering if it's right for you?

Poster Image


Maria Jose Barrientos, physiotherapist and expert in well-being and nutrition

More about Maria Jose Barrientos

What do our customers say?


Sara Ruesga, renowned Spanish stylist

More about Sara Ruesga

Poster Image

Frequently Asked Questions:

¿Qué es HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina?

¿Cuáles son los principales beneficios de HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina?

¿Cómo se debe tomar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina?

¿Cuánto tiempo debería tomar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina para ver resultados?

¿Es seguro tomar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina con otros suplementos?

¿Puedo abrir las cápsulas y mezclar su contenido en bebidas o alimentos?

¿Es apto para veganos y personas con intolerancias?

¿Qué hace especial al HIGO TINTO® en este producto?

¿HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina me ayudará a perder peso?

¿Es necesario hacer ejercicio mientras tomo HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina?

¿Tiene efectos secundarios HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina?

¿Puedo tomar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina si tengo hipertensión?

¿HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina me dará energía durante el día?

¿Puedo tomar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina si tengo diabetes?

¿Es seguro tomar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina durante el embarazo o la lactancia?

¿Cómo ayuda HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina a controlar el apetito?

¿Por qué es importante la L-Carnitina en este suplemento?

¿Qué papel tiene el guaraná en este suplemento?

¿Qué son las betalaínas y cómo benefician mi salud?

¿Cuánto tiempo dura un bote de HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina?

¿HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina afecta el sueño?

¿HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina contiene gluten o lactosa?

¿Puedo tomar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina si tengo problemas digestivos?

¿HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina afecta el ayuno intermitente?

¿Puedo combinar HIGO TINTO® L-Carnitina con otros productos para el control de peso?

¿Qué estudios respaldan los beneficios del HIGO TINTO® y L-Carnitina?

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