Petra Bruna Pérez González
I've been taking it for a week and I couldn't imagine what it has done to my body. I do not consider it a medicine but a supplement with many properties to help my health. Very happy with the decision I made to try it. Thanks TUNO Canary Islands.
Esther Sánchez Martín
I ordered it online and I couldn't be happier. The service is fast and impeccable. And the product exceeds my expectations. I also asked for vinegar to give a different touch to the salads and the result has been a success. Very satisfied client.
Rita Aguiar
That's the best for cancer. They recommend her for chemo. Platelets rise.
Paqui Perez Gonzalez
Rita Aguiar Hello, I can attest that for cancer it is going very well and if you are having chemo it is going well, they are Indian tunos.
Testimony of Enrique Helped by the Canarian "RED FIG POWDER" he has managed to reduce his Diabetes:
Antonia María Sánchez
Throughout the island, my grandmother always said the best thing for the liver when fasting.
Cancat Canarias
Indian prickly pear is a miracle superfood to recover from illnesses.
Claudio García
TUNO Canarias Gradas to Mrs. Mary Carmen, there are several people from her town and surroundings who opted for the product with excellent results. Thank you. I think that the aforementioned broadcaster -Mary Carmen- should be "rewarded" by the owners of the product, she has multiplied its sales.
Fátima Socas Hernández
This fig is the best for raising red blood cells, it is great for anemia.
Fátima Socas Hernández
Olga Socas Sosa I ate 3 or 4 figs every 3 days more or less, in a month my anemia went away, my hemoglobin went up to 15.
Fernando Gomez Suarez
This wonder is grown here in the Canary Islands and after much research, it is being marketed as many properties such as antidiabetic, among many others, have been discovered. It is a wonderful fruit with a pleasant flavor and an intense red colar which until now has not been given the recognition it deserves, but from now on and thanks to its study, it will be considered a miraculous fruit that will bring a great discovery for its health properties (Opuntia Dillenii).
Juana Hernández Rivero
Antonia María Sánchez Guedes that was also said by my mother, she also said that it was good for anemia!
Karin Brinken
Angeles Hdez Trujillo my husband had triglycerides at + 600, he peels them, grinds them, strains them to remove the seeds and turns the juice. His triglyceride values improved pretty quickly. I just hope they don't start genetically manipulating these plants in order to take advantage of them economically like they do with all the fruit we eat.
María Luisa Quintana Hdez
I was cured of hepatitis B in the 1980s in a month. I was discharged and told that I had to be on complete rest for three or four months. A month later, when I did the analysis to control the disease, they could not believe it since there was no trace of the disease. They were amazed when I told them that I had not taken the medication but that I was cured by eating Indian prickly pears (red prickly pears) every day for breakfast, lunch and snack. Now I have been taking them in powder dissolved in water for four months and my body's defenses have risen. I'm very happy.
Isi Herrera Rodríguez
María Luisa Quintana Hdez The Indian prickly pear also cured me of hepatitis and a brother worked well when we were children and the doctor told my mother that the medicine for hepatitis was in the fields and that it was the Indian prickly pears that effectively cured us both.
Mari Carmen García González
I am diabetic, I have been using it for 4 months and I am super happy. I always recommend it.
Marisol Ramírez
I drink prickly pear juice every day and it has cured me of a very serious illness.
Mercedes Guillén Alberto
No wonder of the nine children my mother had, we all escaped healthy because we ate prickly pears daily.
Migue Caraballo
My mother underwent surgery for breast cancer and the surgeon recommended that she drink this juice. Defenses always high. She did very well and she does very well.
Sol María Arias Franco de Cobos
When I was pregnant, the doctor sent her to me because she had very low hemoglobin.
Susana Santana
I am also very happy. I am diabetic and she is doing very well for me.
Antonio Alfonso
You peel them, you boil them, you mix them, you filter them, you add sugar, you stir it while the concoction boils, then you put aguardiente to taste, you put it in the fridge and you send yourself a few shots every day after lunch, and you will see how it strengthens your immune system, no there is vico that enters.
Araceli Sánchez Gordillo
I have been consuming it for a long time and I have to say that it is very good with orange juice and with coconut vegetable yogurts, it is a downfall for me.
Avelina Coello Gómez
Right, those properties, I've known them since, 1965, here they used it for Diabetes.
Elisa Rin Simonet
My great-grandfather from the Canary Islands, from Tenerife, controlled his diabetes with prickly pear, I am talking about a person who began to treat it at the beginning of the 23rd century.
Lulú Pera
Diego Hernández that has been proven for many years. It has become more fashionable now because it is powdered and more comfortable, but it is always the best and for diabetics. One has the remedy in front of one's eyes, the one that our ancestors have used and it is not given importance.
Lupe Correa
It has been known all our lives that the red fig helps diabetics, great when we were kids we ate it from the penca and we were painted haha
Mirlo Espino Cardenes
My mother I know I Cure the Liver. She peeled them in the serene and in the morning she ate them.
Miguel José Henríquez Cabrera
In Tenerife it's called higo pico, I think, but in Gran Canaria it's called Indian prickly pear. And it is miraculous, I tell you that I caught them in the Don Zoilo and La Ballena ravine back in the 60s.
Natividad Herrera González
My father used to say that the red tuno game is very good for inside shots. When my father took a hit or a fall, he always had a bottle of prickly pear juice.
Mari Carmen García González, San Miguel, Tenerife
Good morning 🌞🌻
Well, I've been diabetic for a few years, I've had glucose over 200 fasting and that worries me a lot.
I found out about the powder from Tuno CANARIAS searching the Internet, I saw the video of the boy, and I started to find out. I had already bought the infusions and frozen fruit at the market.
I started with the powder in October and the result has been fantastic. Before, I injected myself with insulin up to three times a day. Now I don't prick myself, I'm very happy.
Thank you very much, you deserve a gift for "discovering" this wonder ❤️❤️
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Disclaimer: This product is NOT a substitute for medical therapy in any way. It also does not allow you to interrupt ongoing medical therapies or modify them in any way.