RED FIG Fit Boost

Regular price $21.702,52
Sale price $21.702,52 Regular price $25.655,62
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HeRED FIG® FIT BOOSTIt is an innovative supplement that combinesRed Fig,whey protein,prebiotic fibers,TCMs from coconutand other functional ingredients to improve body composition. This product offers you:

✅ Increased satiety and appetite regulation
✅ Reduction of excess fat and improvement of body composition
✅ Acceleration of metabolism
✅ Reduction of stress and anxiety
✅ Improving the intestinal microbiota

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Additional discount of up to 18% for purchases of 2,4 or 6 units!

beneficios de los higos
RED FIG Fit Boost

RED FIG Fit Boost


Tu intestino es tu segundo cerebro 🧠. El microbioma intestinal alberga entre 1.500 y 2.000 tipos distintos de bacterias 🦠🌿, ¡fundamentales para tu salud! 🌟.

Apto para

tomar en frío y calor

Todos los días

para mejores resultados


a cualquier hora del día


1 cazo al día (10g)


con café, té, leche, yogur...


Salud Intestinal


Salud intestinal


Mejora la resistencia

Masa muscular

Ideal para la recuperación

How to use

Paso 1

Prepare your favorite drink, hot or cold.

Paso 2

Add 1 scoop of Fit Boost and mix well.

Paso 3

Enjoy the flavor and energy of Fit Boost.

Is it right for me?

PROVEN Results

Nutritional values

How you will notice the benefits

How you will notice the benefits


Thanks to the contribution ofprebiotic fibersalready theprotein, you will feel more satiated throughout the day, reducing snacking between meals. [1,2,4]
HechromeIt will help regulate your blood glucose levels, regulating your feeling of hunger. [3,5]

Combine it with daily exercise to obtain greater effects, increasing muscle mass and activating your metabolism more.


As you progress, you will notice that yourmetabolism works better. You are reducing body fat and, thanks to thefiberand thepostbiotic, you are improving yourintestinal microbiota, which translates into better digestive health.


HePatented postbiotic HT-BPL1®has been shown in clinical trials to significantly reduce waist circumference in1.88 cmand promote the burning of visceral fat, with a reduction of7 cm²in three months. [2]

Keep using itRED FIG® FIT BOOSTto continue to make long-term profits!

Science works for you

How do its ingredients benefit you?

Postbiótico HT BPL-1® Reduce la cintura y elimina la grasa visceral

LALMIN® CR-2000 - Cromo Un mineral que contribuye al mantenimiento de niveles saludables de glucosa en sangre.

Estudios científicos sobre la fruta del HIGO TINTO® Ciencia pura 💊💉

Coenzima Q10 Componente clave para la salud celular, en particular en los sistemas cardiovascular, inmunológico y neurológico.

How does it help you stay SUPER-FIT?

How does Fit Boost help you stay FIT?

Ourmetabolism slows down over timeWe tend to think that it is a natural effect of age, but in reality it is due to multiple factors, such as apoor nutrition, theloss of muscle mass, aimbalance in the microbiotaandhormonal changes. These factors create avicious cyclewhich affects metabolism and takes us away from our health goals.

"Miracle" diets are not the solution

Thefad diets, thedetox programsand manysupplementsThey focus solely on therapid weight loss, without taking into account the importance of being trulyFIT and healthyThis limited focus often leads to the dreaded"rebound effect", where lost weight is regained and imbalances are generated in the body.

Fit Boost helps you stay FIT

Fit Boostsupports thebody recomposition, helping toincrease muscle massandimprove healthin general. By keeping your bodynourishedandsatiatedin a balanced manner,Fit Boostguides you to a healthier state, where theweight lossIt is not the only goal, but rather part of a comprehensive approach to fitness.

How does Fit Boost impact?



The combination offibersand10 grams of proteininFit Boosthelps reduce appetite between meals, promoting abody recompositionhealthier and helping to control caloric intake.


Support for fat loss
Key ingredients such asproteinand thechromeinFit Boostfavor thefat lossby regulating glucose levels and improving energy metabolism. At the same time, protein supports theincrease in muscle mass, which contributes to a more efficient metabolism.


Hormonal balance without rebound effect
HeFit Boostincludes ingredients such aschrome, which helps regulate blood glucose levels, which stabilizes insulin production and reduces hunger peaks. In addition, the combination ofproteinsandprebiotic fibersIt helps maintain a stable hormonal balance, avoiding imbalances that are usually associated with the rebound effect after restrictive diets.


Improving intestinal health
The mix ofprebiotic fibersinFit Boosthelps to improve theintestinal microbiota, which promotes better digestion and overall intestinal health, thus supporting digestive well-being and a balanced metabolism.

Wondering if it's right for you?

Poster Image

Discover how BPL1 improves your metabolism and intestinal health

BPL1 has been shown to help reduce visceral fat and decrease waist circumference

BPL1® strain in Fit Boost

Frequently Asked Questions:

¿Puedo sustituir una comida con el HIGO TINTO BOOST?

¿Cuánto tardo en notar el efecto saciante de HIGO TINTO BOOST?

¿Puedo consumir Digestive Creamer y HIGO TINTO BOOST juntos?

¿Puedo mezclar o combinar HIGO TINTO BOOST con otros productos de Tuno Canarias?

¿HIGO TINTO BOOST rompe el ayuno?

¿Es compatible HIGO TINTO BOOST con la dieta Keto?

¿Puedo preparar HIGO TINTO BOOST con antelación? ¿Es necesario consumirlo al momento?

¿Puedo tomar HIGO TINTO BOOST más de una vez al día? ¿Cuál es el número máximo de dosis diarias?

¿Puedo tomar HIGO TINTO BOOST si tengo intolerancia a la lactosa?

¿A partir de qué edad se puede consumir HIGO TINTO BOOST?

¿Hay alguna contraindicación si tengo Hipotiroidismo o no tengo tiroides?

¿Es apto HIGO TINTO BOOST para embarazadas o mujeres en periodo de lactancia?

¿Contiene HIGO TINTO BOOST cafeína o algún estimulante?

¿HIGO TINTO BOOST es adecuado para deportistas?

¿Puedo tomar HIGO TINTO BOOST si sigo una dieta vegana?

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